News by Vet. Ruben Lanckriet
Recovery and training effect; the key words for modern top sport pigeon racing.
A number of factors are crucial for successful pigeon sport. This certainly includes the genetic quality of the pigeons as well as many environmental factors such as health policy (influenced by the loft, biosafety, immunity status, medication, etc.), motivation system, training and nutrition policy. These last two factors are certainly not the least important! Nutrition includes everything that the pigeon receives from substances that the body is made up of and that is used and consumed during training and competitions. Supplements to the diet are of course included. Moreover, the training and competition system is inextricably linked to the nutritional and supplementation regimen. A grain and seed mix has a number of shortages for a good condition and certainly for a top condition. Firstly, daily grit and mineral administration is extremely important. Then pigeons can use a number of supplements to get in shape. To be able to go to top condition and certainly to be able to cope with and even improve a whole series of deep efforts, the developments in top sport coaching help. For pigeons, B vitamins are very important for the basic condition. This is generally underestimated by pigeon enthusiasts. B vitamins are very little present in the diet of pigeons. Supplementation with B vitamins in any form for pigeons, improves condition instantly.
The key word in modern pigeon sport has become recuperation, and let this be something that can be influenced a lot by good supplements and at the right time. Very high quality proteins are very important in this. Together with an energy-rich diet (the same diet as they were basketed) after returning home and the day after, these proteins can certainly win a few days so the pigeons are again ready to successfully finish a race. Tests have shown that these proteins also have a good effect the day before basketing. This probably also has to do with the period in the transport baskets and the food they sometimes receive in these baskets. In addition to a number of other substances in support of the liver, muscles and body cells in general, exogenous ketones now also prove very successful in having an extra fast recuperation whereby the pigeons even improve with a succession of efforts! Every pigeon fancier knows that this is anything but self-evident.
As a pigeon fancier you can observe how well and how quickly recovery takes place. If the pigeon already shows the same swollen (and supple!) muscles as they had when basketed, on the evening or day after returning home, the pigeon has already recovered considerably. Mind you, swollen muscles that are too hard can mean the opposite. One of the best indications for fast recovery is the length and method of loft training when flying again around the loft the first time after the race. A pigeon that rushes out from the loft and then easily flies with enthusiasm for 30-45 minutes has of course already been recovered very well. If the pigeon is hanging in the air for more than an hour the day after, like the other pigeons, then the pigeon is usually ready to be basketed again a few days later. At the time of absolute top condition (after a lot of training in the preceding months), a great deal of training is not always necessary anymore. The condition is that the pigeons have had sufficient training hours before that period of succession of tough races. The type of training will vary depending on the purpose and distance of the races. Regular tossing helps practice speed and orientation. Longer loft training sessions help endurance.
The NEXT LEVEL range is designed to provide complete support and has been shown by tests to be suitable for all distances.
veterinarian Ruben Lanckriet.